Geosites are essential for geoparks and signify that geoparks serve as destinations for tourism. Originating from conservation efforts, geosites must also involve benefits for local communities. This research aims to explore the formation of geosite branding as part of sustainable tourism efforts, with data collected from Geopark Sawahlunto and Geopark Silokek-Sijunjung in West Sumatra as case studies. Qualitative data analysis was conducted by applying destination branding concepts and geological conservation, which are fundamental for the existence of geosites. The findings reveal that the geosite branding process should prioritize conservation, education, and community welfare, which are part of the Three Pillars of Geopark Development in Indonesia. These pillars are crucial and should engage the audience, making them feel committed to the cause. By utilizing digital media such as social media and interactive applications, geoparks aim to introduce their unique geosites and raise awareness of the importance of environmental preservation. Despite challenges in integrating geosites, biosites, and culturesites, collaboration among government, geopark managers, and local communities can make geosite branding an effective tool for supporting sustainable tourism development, enhancing local welfare, and preserving the environment. Steps taken in branding strategies based on Media Richness are expected to strengthen the identity of geoparks and ensure optimal benefits for future generations.
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