Analysis Of Investment Decisions In Iron & Steel Company Using The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
The purpose of this research is to apply the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) analysis technique to determine whether the final results are undervalued or overvalued, which becomes a consideration in making stock invest ment decisions. The variables used in this study are companies operating in the Iron & Steel industry. CAPM is a model used to estimate the returns obtained from risky securities or as a benchmark for evaluating the rate of return on investments. The criteria for selection in this study involve choosing efficient stocks in the Iron & Steel companies where individual returns are greater than the expected returns (Ri > ERi). The results of this research indicate that there are 8 company stocks that fall under the category of efficient stocks, namely BTON, CTBN, GDST, GGRP, ISSP, KRAS, LMSH, OPMS. These stocks have Ri > ERi values, so the recommended investment decision for investors is to buy efficient stocks. Based on the data analysis, there is a non-linear relationship between systematic risk and expected stock returns.
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