EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATIONS: From Flirtatious Moments to Nostalgia

Bambang Sukma Wijaya


Employment communication refers to the various forms of communication that foster positive working relationships, support career development, and ensure fair treatment of employees. This communication plays a vital role in enhancing productivity, professional fulfilment, and a positive social environment in the workplace at all stages of employment—before, during, and after the employment period. The communication process in employment begins before hiring, characterized by initial interactions between prospective employers and job seekers in “flirtatious communications.” This is followed by job interviews and assessments, which facilitate deeper engagement through what can be termed "rendezvous communication." Once a candidate is hired, "welcome communication" helps integrate them into the new workplace. During the employment period, the dynamics of communication shift, showcasing a blend of formal and informal interactions, as well as transactional and relational exchanges. These communications occur among employees as well as between employees and employers. After employment ends, communication transforms into "goodbye communication," which marks the cessation of employment status. This phase also involves building networks and relationships among former colleagues and reflecting on shared experiences. Former employees engage in what is known as "nostalgic communication," where they can reminisce about their time at work, evaluating their experiences—whether positive or negative—as references for future career decisions.


To cite this article (7th APA style):

Wijaya, B. S. (2019). Employment Communications: From Flirtatious Moments to Nostalgia. Journal Communication Spectrum: Capturing New Perspectives in Communication 9(1), 79-93. https://doi.org/10.36782/jcs.v9i1.2482



Flirtatious Communications; Rendezvous Communications; Welcome Communications; Goodbye Communications; Nostalgic Communications


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