Ghosting Behavior in Dating Apps: Perpetrators and Victim’s Experiences
One of the phenomena that are often found in forming relationships on Dating Apps is ghosting. Ghosting is an indirect way of breaking relationships which, according to several previous studies, can hinder interpersonal communication skills for both victims and perpetrators of ghosting behavior. This research seeks to understand the meaning of the ghosting phenomenon on the Dating Apps Bumble. The method used in this study is phenomenology with a qualitative approach, with in-depth interviews and observation data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that ghosting is interpreted as an unpleasant and uncertain event which makes ghosting seen as immature behavior. The experience of ghosting behavior that is received also encourages obstacles in conducting interpersonal communication. Various attempts have been made to reduce the uncomfortable feelings of the ghosting experience, and all aim to overcome information gaps and avoid uncertainty in relationships.
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