A mini-review of conventional rice milling: It is suitable for organic rice
Many attempt has been made in previous study to understand how milling processing influence the nutritional properties of rice. However, there is no study address how the milling processing can be adopted to the organic rice. This study is preliminary stage to understand the influence of milling processing on rice as a food system. This article has reviewed 54 articles comparing refined and whole grain rice and categorized into production cost, bioactive compound, and pesticide/residue contamination as well as consumer perception. The result shown that milling processing as one of value chain contributes the significant impact on nutritional properties of rice. If the organic rice using the conventional “milling processing principle†it will resulted the equal feature of nutritional properties both organic rice and conventional, thus expectation of consumer for healthier properties of organic rice may not be suitable anymore.
Keywords- Organic food system, milling processing, organic rice, whole grain
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