The effect of clay minerals on soils interrill erodibility factor and management in Dast- e Tabriz

Jafarzadeh Ali Asghar, Unus Garosi, Shahin Oustan, Abbas Ahmadi


Based on some estimation soil erosion in Iran is widespread problem (70% of the country) and susceptibility of the soils to erosion is mostly due to low organic matter, clay percentage, kind of clay and mismanagement of land, etc has accelerated. For this reason, real estimation of different kind of clay influence on soils interrill erodibility factor is required for sustainable management. Clay with a wide variety of physical properties plays an important role in the soils and their erodibility. In order to investigate the effect of clay minerals on soil erodibility, this research work carried out on surface layer samples of eleven soil series with different families. After mineralogical analysis, the type and relative amount of clay minerals in each soil were determined based on qualitative and semi-quantitative methods. According to Pearson correlation coefficient, there is positive and significant correlation between soil erodibility and smectite groups, while quartz, kaolinite- chlorite and chlorite-vermiculite showed negative and significant correlation whith erodibility. Consequently there is a linear correlation  between erodiblity and minerals based on stepwise multiple regressions in these soils. Also there is between clay, sand, saturation percentage, SAR and erodibility significant correlation (P<0.01) while silt, CaCO3 and pH show lower one (P<0.05).

Keywords— Minerals, Erodibility, Semi-quantitative, Correlation coefficient, Dasht-e-Tabriz


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