Improving the Physicochemical Properties of Commercial Bovine Gelatin using Succinylation

Nur Aliyana Binti Alias, Benedict Oludare Omosebi, Wahyudi David, Nurul Huda


Commercial bovine gelatin was modified by using succinic anhydride and resultant changes in physicochemical properties such as Bloom strength, foaming properties and extent of succinylation were investigated. The result indicated that addition of succinic anhydride at varying concentrations of 0.04, 0.08, 0.12 and 0.16 g/g of sample increased the degree of succinylation from 0% to 14%, while Bloom strength increased from 131.97% to148.60% but at higher concentration decreased from 133.50% to128.0%. Foaming capacity increased from 171.67% to 210.70%   but a substantial constant decrease in foaming stability with time.

Keywords- Gelatin,  Succinic anhydride, gel strength, foaming capacity,  physicochemical properties,



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