Chemical Composition and Protein Quality of Fish Sauces (Kecap Ikan and Nampla)

Siti Nurfarhana Ahmad Puat, Nurul Huda, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Abbas Fadhl Mubarek Al-Karkhi, . Ardiansyah


Chemical analyses were carried out on two commercial fish fermented products; kecap ikan which made from Indonesia and nampla from Thailand. Chemical composition, colour and amino acid composition were determined and the result shows the significant difference (p<0.05) in the parameters between two commercial fish sauces. Protein content in kecap ikan and nampla were 1.60 and 10.85 % respectively. Degree of protein hydrolysis was determined by precipitating the soluble nitrogen in 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with 64.62% for kecap ikan which higher (p<0.05) than 56.10% degree hydrolysis in nampla. To assess the protein quality of these products, amino acid composition was determined. Total amino acid constitute for 707.8 mg/100mL protein in kecap ikan and nampla containing 8480.3 mg/100mL protein. Chemical score, amino acid score and essential amino acid index were 0.00, 0.00 and 0.56 for kecap ikan and 4.22, 5.88 and 7.32 for nampla. Protein digestibility is high in kecap ikan and nampla with 66.51 and 66.26% respectively. Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score value was only 10.70 % in kecap ikan while 100% in nampla. The quality of protein in nampla indicates that it can provide complete essential amino acid to human. However, the quantity of protein and amino acid was not significant as source of essential amino acid in human diet because of limited daily intake.

Keywords— Fermented fish product, fish sauce, kecap ikan, nampla, protein quality


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