Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Insan Harapan Harahap


Every country needs a capable leader. One of the duties of a leader is to become a character and represent his team, but in this case his background is to represent his team or can be called the president of the people. This study will discuss the leadership style of Joko Widodo, who is the 7th president of Indonesia who has served from 2014 until now. Since 2019 until now, the global community is experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic. In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Joko Widodo government is trying to solve the country's problems through its leadership style. The results of the study concluded that President Joko Widodo is a leader who has a transformational leadership style. Joko Widodo tends to have a proactive attitude, applies moral values ​​to his work, and inspires his subordinates and the community to pursue common interests. However, in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak which has become a global crisis, a leader with a transactional leadership style is also needed. Because transactional leaders can react more quickly or be responsive to changes, can confidently evaluate the performance of subordinates, and have good communication skills, they can absorb stakeholders from both external and internal sources.


Joko Widodo, leadership, transactional, transformational, Covid-19


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