Quality Characteristics of Meatball Prepared from Different Ratios of Chicken and Duck Meat

Nor Halini Mohd Aripin, Nurul Huda


Abstract- The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different ratios of chicken and duck meat on the quality (proximate composition and physicochemical characteristics) of meatball. Meatball was produced by using 5 different ratios of duck and chicken meat (A = 0:100, B = 25:75, C = 50:50, D = 75:25, and E = 100:0).  Increase in the ratio of duck meat caused increases in moisture, ash, and carbohydrate (by difference), but decreases in protein and fat. The range of moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate content of meat ball in this study were 68.26 – 73.42 %, 10.45 – 5.88 %, 10.88 – 8.50 %, 1.84 – 2.86 %, 8.56 – 10.99 %, respectively. Mineral analysis showed that increase in the duck meat ratio caused increasing trends in Ca, Na, Fe, P, Zn and Mg contents.  The range of Ca, K, Na, Fe, P, Zn, and Mg was 0.6393 – 1.9973 mg/g, 0.0013 – 0.0016mg/g, 0.2912 – 0.6040 mg/g, 0.0187 – 0.0411 mg/g, 0.0884 – 0.4113 mg/g, 0.0025 – 0.1010 mg/g, and 0.2090 – 0.4848 mg/g, respectively. Physicochemical, juiciness showed increasing values by increasing duck meat ratio in meatball, meanwhile folding test showed decreasing values. The range for juiciness and folding test values were 6.09 – 11.24 % and 4.79 – 2.20 % respectively. Determination of texture and colour by instrument showed significant differences (P<0.05) among samples, whereby the L* value decreased, but the* and b* values increased with the increase in duck meat ratio.  The highest L* value (lightness) (65.89) was observed in formulation A which contained 100% chicken meat, while the lowest L* value (55.65) was observed in formulation E containing 100% duck meat. The addition of duck meat thus contributed to a darker colour product. Texture analysis showed decreasing values of shear stress (253.31 – 541.50) with the increase of duck meat ratio.


Keywords- Meatball, proximate composition, physicochemical characteristics, chicken meat, duck meat.


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