Protein Quality of Fish Fermented Product: Budu and Rusip

Intan Nadiah Binti Mohd Khairi, Nurul Huda, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Abbas Fadhl Mubarek Al-Kharki


The commercial Budu and Rusip were determined and differentiated of their chemical compositions and colour. The amino acid compositions and protein digestibility data obtained were carried out for determined the protein quality. To assess the nutritional quality of the proteins in these products, the in-vitro protein digestibility and amino acid content were determined. The results showed significant difference (p <0.05) in colour (L*, a*, b*) between Budu and Rusip. The chemical compositions of Budu were 66.92% of moisture content, 11.39% of protein content, 20.72% of salt content, 0.837 of water activity, 5.17 of pH and 60.58% of degree of hydrolysis while Rusip contain 65.21% of moisture content, 42.95% of protein content, 14.76% of salt content, 0.864 of water activity, 4.98 of pH and 12.81% of degree of hydrolysis. The protein digestibility in Budu and Rusip were 67.29% and 67.82%, respectively. According to amino acid data, the predominant amino acid in Budu and Rusip was glutamic acid. Chemical score, amino acid score, essential amino acid index and protein digestibility-corrected amino acid scores (PDCAAS) were calculated from the amino acid data. The results showed that the Rusip provided a comparable quality of protein than Budu.

Keywords— Fermented fish product, Anchovy, protein quality, budu, rusip



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