Asia Pacific J. Sus. Agri. Food & Energy

Journal Sponsorship


SAFE Network is an Asia Pacific network of university and college educators, researchers, and activists, who collaborate in analysis, synthesis, connecting and educating the people for a better economy, ecology, and equity in agriculture, food and energy system.


  • Increase the capacity of the scientific community to address major sustainability challenges in agriculture, food and energy.
  • Increase the capacity of the scientific community to enrich people through programs, services and support that help them increase their capacity to produce a better economy, ecology, and equity in agriculture, food and energy system.


  • SAFE Network provides annual workshop and conference under the theme of sustainable agriculture, food and energy.
  • SAFE Network publish an International Journal in sustainable agriculture, food and energy.
  • SAFE Network enables scholars to collaborate more effectively in applying an International /regional research grant.
  • SAFE Network provides Exchange scholars/lecturer between members.
  • SAFE Network provides program, services and support to help people increase their capacity to produce a better economy, ecology, and equity in agriculture, food and energy system.

Working Group

  • WG1- Sustainable Agriculture
  • WG2- Food Technology and Sustainable Nutrition
  • WG3- Sustainable Energy
  • WG4- Extention, Community Development and Scientific Communication

Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy Network (SAFE Network)

Publisher by Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy Network (SAFE Network).